[GameMode] Project : NotD [ZM4.0][ZM5.0][Zombie VS Humans Gamemode]

Other Zombie Gamemodes by kitten
Zombie-Mod 3.0 || Zombie-Mod 2.0 || Zombie-Mod 1.0 || Halloween Zombie-Mod || Zombie-Mod 2.0 Unfinshed || Zombie Survival 1 || Zombie Survival "2"

Description: Welcome to Zombie Mod 4.0 and 5.0 this is my latest and last versions of zombie-mods for SA-MP zombie-mod 4.0 includes a team pick with zombie or human but with 5.0 it spawns everyone as a human then has a timer for 30 seconds till it picks (1) random zombie this been my project i been working lately others i released zombie mod 1.0 to 3.0 this is the two last versions im releasing it's been a great time with you guys downloading the gamemode enjoying it

Features Zombie-Mod 4.0:

-Team Balancer
-Pick which team you want
-Buy menu
-Custom made maps in MTA (also some from MTA Developers 2 or 3)
-Checkpoints for buymenu at every map
-Zombie Kills textdraw
-Human kills textdraw
-Timeleft textdraw
-Map System (Dynamic)
-over 8 maps (total 9)
-wining team (example most team with most kills win or if there tie it will be a draw)
-EXP System (also it been released in a Fliterscript in SA-MP Forums by me)
-Punch System for zombies (takes away -15 hp per hit to hit humans with the punch system)

Features Zombie-Mod 5.0:

-New Textdraws
-Random Zombie
-Everyone spawns as a human
-1 Random Zombie
-Buy menu
-Custom made maps in MTA (also some from MTA Developers 2 or 3)
-Checkpoints for buymenu at every map
-Timeleft textdraw
-Map System (Dynamic)
-over 8 maps (total 9)
-wining team (example most team with most kills win or if there tie it will be a draw)
-EXP System (also it been released in a Fliterscript in SA-MP Forums by me)
-Punch System for zombies (takes away -15 hp per hit to hit humans with the punch system)

Warning: Version 5.0 has some bugs i won't recommend it for new scripters

Ok Kitty got any pics or videos? as always no not a video this time but i got pics :

Zombie-Mod 4.0 Pictures:

Zombie-Mod 5.0 Pictures:

Gamemode - Kitten
Weaponz - Team balancer
Midnight - Scripting
Zeex - Zcmd
****** - Foreach
MTA - Some maps from them
Zh3ro - 0.3c Easy Colors
Draco Blue - Dini
Iconginto - Streamer
SA-MP - For all this to happen

Requires :

Streamer Plugin by incoginto https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=102865
Foreach https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=92679
Dini By dracoblue http://dracoblue.net/download/dini-16/35/
Zcmd https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=91354


Before downloading , download the maps (fliterscript) for the maps to work :

Zombie-Mod 4.0:

Zombie-Mod 5.0:


Reminder ZM 5.0 is buggy is not recommend for new scripters.


When will you stop kitten? Nice job!

Hmm this will be the best Version of your Zombie series
Nice job again Kitten

Nice script

Awesome release Kitten and i was waiting for this release

Good Job !

What are the bugs, I can supposedly fix them for you and the community. Or try to.

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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What are the bugs, I can supposedly fix them for you and the community. Or try to.
5.0 has some bugs with the textdraws not showing for everyone even used MAX_PLAYERS even looped all players and the callback that checks if all players are humans or zombies makes 1 random zombie or human

i suppose those are the two bugs so far.

And how many maps are there?

Originally Posted by Ironboy
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And how many maps are there?

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