Need some Help here :(

Hello everyone, i have a problem with the Progress Bars creator, i have successfully made a Hunger Bar But when i'm trying to update on a one second timer, it doesn't work with this code

pawn Код:
SetProgressBarValue(HungerBar[i], -5.0);
UpdateProgressBar(HungerBar[i], i);
But works when i make set the value to positive, for example 5.0, can you help me?

If you have function like GetProgressBarValue then you can try:

pawn Код:
SetProgressBarValue(HungerBar[i], GetProgressBarValue(HungerBar[i]) -5.0 );

Not working, thanks anyway...

You can try this version( for me better ) :

pawn Код:
    Float:BarValue[ MAX_PLAYERS ];

stock SetBarValue( playerid, Float:ammount )
    BarValue[ playerid ] += ammount;
    SetProgressBarValue( barID, BarValue[ playerid ] );
    return UpdateProgressBar( barID, playerid );

pawn Код:
SetBarValue( playerid, -5.0 );
But you need edit something in stock! ( I mean barID to ur barID )

Or better

pawn Код:
stock SetBarValue( playerid, barID, Float:ammount )
    BarValue[ playerid ] += ammount;
    SetProgressBarValue( barID, BarValue[ playerid ] );
    return UpdateProgressBar( barID, playerid );

This is not working too...

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