New games to play through?

Thinking about it, I have not played through a new game in many many months, probably even a year. I have started playing them but never actually play through it properly etc.

Got any game suggestions? (One with a storyline obviously), and preferably not too long as I don't have that much free time on my hands :3

(I have played the GTA Series)

Edit: Also PC only, I do have an Xbox360 and a PS3 however I don't really play through storyline games on them for some reason.

Medal of Honor 2010 - Has a short exciting story line, great if you like combat environments.
Just Cause 2 - Has a very long story line, however it's a great game if you're just looking for adventure and well... Big BOOM's.
Mercenaries 2 - Similar to Just Cause 2, has a long story line, great if you like making things go boom... Wouldn't rely on realism though.
Armed Assault 2 / Armed Assault 2 Operation Arrowhead - Great for realism, story isn't the longest but is enough to keep you occupied for a while.
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - Amazing story line, still completing mine.

Hm, used to play the old Medal of Honor's may try the new one out.

I can recommend Alice Madness Returns or Portal 2

I finished LA. Noire in less than two weeks, but it was actually a really nice game. It could of been better though!

I haven't played any other games recently, if I have they don't particularly have a story line you would have time for. I like the Metal Gear Solid series if you have a Playstation.

My appologies!

Operation Flashpoint: Red River


Originally Posted by saiberfun
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yea right recommend games that aren't out yet..

I can recommend Alice Madness Returns or Portal 2
Played portal 2 already, thinking about it that is one game I have played through this year lol

And yeah, I'm talking PC only.

Originally Posted by Mrkrabz
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And yeah, I'm talking PC only.
Oh okay... You might want to put that in your original post just so people aren't confused.

Saints row 2 But I don't now if its pretty new but fun

Try Mafia 2 or TribalWars :P

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