
I all, i would like to know,

if this callbacks ( OnVehicleDeath ) is called when an player destroy an car ( ex: push it out of mountain witout being into it ).

I would like to know if it called when a car explode for an certain person, but not for other.


OnVehicleDeath gets always called if a vehicle is destroyed also if it explodes

I am not sure what you meant with "for an certain person" because if a vehicle explode everyone could see it

No sometime ther is desync bug,

like i am on mount chilliad, i push a car, no one into it, it fell on the roof an explose,

someone with desync bug don't see car exploded, this call back will be called?

That is a rather interesting question, but I would assume so. If the car is exploded on SOMEONES screen, that means that it has been exploded, thus triggering the callback. The person not seeing the car explode is either de-synced or the car streaming in for them is off.

To verify, you could always test the scenario while having prints under the callback. After the test, see if it printed anything.

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