What would be faster for this?

So let's say i have a need to search all of the accounts on my server for a specific value.

Would it be faster to do it by opening files (if it was a .ini system) or by a query (if it was a MySQL system)?

Im asking this because i will have that need in the future, and if my need is done faster by MySQL i would switch to it.

I hope you understand what i meant...

switch to mysql it is very nice, very fase and you can make some functions!

and i can help you by making a mysql system

Executing a single (threaded) query in a database will definitely be faster than opening every ini file and checking for a value. If you have a popular server, the registered accounts can run into the 10,000. Opening them all would lag your server for quite some time.

I use .ini files because I can't understand MySQL, but MySQL is faster

for all im making a tutorial for a mysql reg system with enum tomorrow

Thanks for the answers, i have one more question.

What would be an average time of a query that needs to search 10000+ accounts in ms?

Please provide some estimate...

100 - 200ms, i'm ASSUMING. Remember, this is an assumption, and is probably nowhere near correct. You could easily check this by creating a simple script and executing a query searching for one value 10,000 times, and then using gettickcount(); to check for the time.


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