Extraterrestrial Roleplay - In Development

My new project - ExtraTerrestrial Roleplay - Version 1.0 B

I will be making this script from scratch (new.pwn).

Features (If i can make it)

™Factions: Scientists, US Government, US Army, Boarder Guards, Technology Experts and a few more secret ones.
™Area 51 - It will NOT be like default one, it will be mapped from 0 by me with a boarder that when passing and continuing to pass it by a few metres more the civilian will be shot by automatic NPC Boarder Guards on the hill. the boarder will be similar to the real Area 51 boarder with warnings and such. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYLbrQ4INSo&feature=related[/ame]
™ Factions related with Area51 will be taken to the base with a bus driven by an NPC all the way to the centre of the base
™ Scientists examine chemicals and possibily if i suceed begin to make an alien autopsy with a body of a hillbilly NPC lying down (if i can make it work)
™US Government will be like the real government as we know now and the US army will be similar to the National Guards of SAMP.
™ Boarder Guards will be in trucks and wearing camo like real life Camo dudes at area 51.
™Technology Experts examine space crafts and other technologies and such.
™The entire RP ciy will be mapped by me with all buildings - it will be set at Groom Lake Road mapped by me with cafes and ofcourse the special - Bblack Mail box where Area 51 Workers get picked up at at a certain game time.
™Usual chat commands etc.
™There will not be business just yellow checkpoints. Players dont own business as it will be a small RP
™ More features as i develop them.

™ Is it possible ™

I can make the factions and all features above but they will be tricky, i decided to make this server because i got inspired by the real area 51 boarder and been researching on Area51 so i have knowledge about Area51 in real life. And i will potray it in this server as much as i can making it RP

What are your ideas?

And when testing i will make videos and screenshots of each feature soon too.

Dude , that's awesome

Thanks , working on it and when done, hosting then website then Admins then players

You should explain your idea in a more detailed way.


™Area 51 - It will NOT be like default one, it will be mapped from 0 by me with a boarder that when passing and continuing to pass it by a few metres more the civilian will be shot by automatic NPC Boarder Guards on the hill. the boarder will be similar to the real Area 51 boarder with warnings and such.

Where will you map it out? In a custom 'island' I guess.


You mention a 'RP city' or 'town', this will include houses?

Sounds intresting, but you should develop your ideas.

Well, its going to be mapped scratch by me and scripted too.


Picture that with houses and shops on both ends right and end of that road is the Area 51 Base, all mapped by me like a desert. Im still developing and scripting it. its like a town but the image will be a few other towns perhaps around it small - similar to Dillmore.

I may have found the city mapped and may map slightly more onto it or map it entirely from scratch but ill see i need to find the perfect dusty town place.

Stop the spamming. And keep it all on one post. Other than that, good luck..

I will join your server if you open it with this features.

Thanks, im mapping it then scripting it, it will take a while before i release but when i do ill advertise it on the Server Advertisements section dont worry

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