Is it possible to make flying cars like cheat

hello im wonder if its possible to make it like when a player connects or gets in a car or writes a command if it can be able to fly like the flying car cheat. If it is can you help me make this command for my stunting server thanks.

I don't think that you can to the smoothness that you may want, but it's probably best to attach a object to the vehicle / player and you can then move the object around in according to where the player moves the mouse, etc.

Yes, but it won't be smooth, it's something like Superman on The Eclipse..

It's possible, but it won't be very 'smooth' like the flyhacks your mentioned.
Just warp a vehicle into the air with SetVehicleVelocity. Then, use a custom function like this to set the vehicle speed:

stock SetVehicleSpeed(vehicleid, Float: speed, mode = 1)
	new Float: vAngle;
	GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, vAngle);
	speed = ((!mode) ? (speed / 105.0) : (speed / 170.0));
	return SetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, speed * floatsin(-vAngle, degrees), speed * floatcos(-vAngle, degrees), 0.0);
For example, use the speed 220 (mode 0). Then you'll have to make a timer where you repeat this function in (every 500 milliseconds for example)

Use SetVehicleZAngle to steer in the air. Good luck!

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