Fetching RSS/Atom feeds from SA-MP forum.

Has anybody got any idea how to view the RSS of a certain forum? For example, the Announcements forum? I have an RSS bot on my forum that creates topics when a certain RSS feed is updated, but I can't find the link.

The little icon things on the board index don't work, gives some error about XML file not having any style information (which is doesn't, just a useless bit of XML text).

Go to the bored you want, then click the rss icon in your address bar. Works fine for me...

Bored?? Lol. I'm disappoint young padawan!

Anyway, what browser are you using? Firefox? I have Chrome and I don't see any RSS icon in the address bar, when I click the RSS icon in the main board index, or go to any RSS URL, I get this:



Alternatively, click the RSS icon in between the section name and the most recent post:


Calg00ne, I don't think you read the topic properly, lol. I've done that already...

Some XML/RSS parsers behave weirdly, there's no other feeds available for the forums. Try use a free RSS feed parser and use the content it parses.

I did that too, I took the URL:

http://forum.sa-mp.com/external.php?...ss&forumids=74 (The News/Announcement board) and headed over to Feedburner and it shows nothing still, lol.


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