
Q1: Do I need to use mysql_free_result() to trash unused data or I can work without it and server will trash it(so server won't use too many rams).
Q2: Do I need to use it only when selecting data or when I'm updating/inserting data 2?

Thank you!

If you mysql_store_result, you need to mysql_clear_result.
So yes, for selecting. Not needed for updating

I accidently forgot to mysql_free_result, and it eventually crashed the server..

Exactly, when you store data, you have to clear it eventually. By updating, inserting or deleting data you don't store any data in the server.

When you store it, it wont store any date from the server.

pawn Code:
mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM lol WHERE rofl = 'lmao'" );
mysql_store_result( );
// Do all the code here.
// After we are done, we do:
mysql_free_result( );
Also, only when selecting data, actually only when using mysql_store_result( ).

Originally Posted by Mean
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pawn Code:
mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM lol WHERE rofl = 'lmao'" );
mysql_store_result( );
// Do all the code here.
// After we are done, we do:
mysql_free_result( );
Also, only when selecting data, actually only when using mysql_store_result( ).
Hmm, alright.

I did it, now it uses about 100 rams less, but sill by the time it jumps and in about 10 hours it gets to 350 again :/

I'll think of something.

Thank you all very much!

PS. to mean - OMG, kojom brzinom ti skupljas postove ^_^

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