[Include] Segment 1.0

Use: Able to select a single group of characters from a string.

Usage: Segment(string[], num)

new string[256], word[64];
format(string, sizeof(string), "This is an example string");
word = Segment(string, 4);
In this example "Segment" would return the word "example" from the string "This is an example string".
The variable "word" would store this variable then.

Code: Just paste it into your script. It isn't a very big include, but it is useful.
stock Segment(string[], num)
	new SegBeg[256], SegEnd[256], ComSeg, SegUsed[256], output[32][64];
	SegBeg[0] = 0; SegUsed[0] = 1;
	for(new i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++)
	    if(string[i] == 32)
	        SegEnd[ComSeg] = i;
	        SegUsed[ComSeg] = 1;
	        SegBeg[ComSeg] = i + 1;
	SegEnd[ComSeg] = strlen(string) - 1;
	for(new i = 0; i <= ComSeg; i++) if(SegUsed[i] == 1) strmid(output[i], string, SegBeg[i], SegEnd[i], 64);
	return output[num];
Limitations: This include is only able to pickup 32 segments in a string. Each string can be up to 64 characters.
These limitations could be changed but if numbers are set up to high this will not work.

Further Info: This could be useful in making commands. Please give me credit for making this.

good work
like, is not very limited so it is good

Your function eats 2816 cells... I've scripted this in like 15 minutes and it seems to be more optimized:

pawn Код:
stock Segment(string[], num, len = sizeof string)
    new cnum, onum, output[64];
    for(new i; i != len; i++)
        if(string[i] == ' ')
        else if(cnum == num - 1)
            output[onum] = string[i];
        else if(cnum > num) break;
    return output;

@AustinJ: Good!
@CaHbKo: Perfect!

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