Suggestions For Future Sa:MP Versions.

would be cool if there was


Originally Posted by Kitten
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would be cool if there was

Couldn't you just use the NPC's playerid?

I think it has been thought of before but I would truly LOVE having plot-able train tracks. I think someone could make a tool like this for editing train paths that will output the finished code to PAWN.

Remove that breakable fence at area 69 (where the barracks are located), so ppl can enter there with cars without damaging them.

So do we all agree that there should be more colors or changes to change vehicle color? All this talk about it seems like it.

Originally Posted by willsuckformoney
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So do we all agree that there should be more colors or changes to change vehicle color? All this talk about it seems like it.
i agree that all 4 colours should be added. and maybe custom rgba colours too, if they feel like it.

Originally Posted by willsuckformoney
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So do we all agree that there should be more colors or changes to change vehicle color? All this talk about it seems like it.
i strongly agree and i think others do as well

We definitly need a good object streamer made by samp developers, and don't say there are many good ones and you can create one yourself, because we only have a little access to the code while developers have all the GTA they can edit,same was with onplayershootplayer - code it yourself? It is possible,but you didn't think about the lags which can make it 100% INaccurate(ALSO CAN THERE BE ANY TALK ABOUT GRENADES? I MADE THE SCRIPT BUT LAGS - RUIN IT) . Next thing - Player detection in air, the anims won't detect it every time and using MTA Andreas plugin it takes a lot of memory(HOW CAN U POSSIBLY DETECT A SBEITER WITH NO ANIMS). Also how can we only detect FEW KEYS of the player? If not doing an onplayershootplayer give us to detect all keys so we can ruin those goddamn sbeiters for good. That is all, thank you.

Originally Posted by Donya
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thanks for proving me right

pawn Код:
native MovePlayer(playerid, Float:tox, Float:toy, Float:toz);
nicely synced and smooth moving, with the current animation
There already is MovePlayer by Ryder` he made it for his Grapplehook.

Originally Posted by [NoV]LaZ
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Which vehicle uses 4 colours ?
Cement Truck, Squalo and Camper uses 4 colours.

pawn Код:
MovePickup(pickupid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:speed);
RotateObject(objectid, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ, Float:speed);
ChangeVehicleColor(vehicleid, color1, color2, color3, color4); // 4 colours for Squalo, Cement Truck and Camper.
GetVehicleColor(vehicleid, &color1, &color2, &color3, &color4);
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:size, color); // Just add color param (color in hex).
GetVehicleXAngle(vehicleid, &Float:x_angl);
SetVehicleXAngle(vehicleid, Float:x_angl);
GetVehicleYAngle(vehicleid, &Float:y_angl);
SetVehicleYAngle(vehicleid, Float:y_angl);
GetPlayerOxygen(playerid, &Float:oxygen);
SetPlayerOxygen(playerid, Float:oxygen);
GetPlayerMaxHealth(playerid, &Float:maxhealth);
SetPlayerMaxHealth(playerid, Float:maxhealth);

Originally Posted by sabretur
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Cement Truck, Squalo and Camper uses 4 colours.
I'm more than sure they all use 2 colours.

I suggest this:

GetPlayerWeather(playerid); // takes a player weather.
GetWeather(); // get's the server weather (all players)

It would be useful if screenshots are automatically classified in folders according to which server you're in while you take it. So each server where you take a screenshot would get a new folder with all of the screenshots of that server in it.

Originally Posted by FANEX
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GetPlayerWeather(playerid); // takes a player weather.
pawn Code:
new weather[MAX_PLAYERS];
forward SetPlayerWeatherEx(playerid, weatherid);
public SetPlayerWeatherEx(playerid, weatherid)
    weather[playerid] = weatherid;
    SetPlayerWeather(playerid, weatherid);
forward GetPlayerWeather(playerid);
public GetPlayerWeather(playerid)
    return weather[playerid];
Originally Posted by FANEX
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GetWeather(); // get's the server weather (all players)
pawn Code:

Only maybe 6 cars are affected by the interior colors.

Originally Posted by OUL
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pawn Код:
native TextDrawGetString
You can script that yourself.

pawn Код:
native SetDialogPosition(dialogid, Float:x, Float:y);//Sets the dialog's position. [Like a textdraw?]
native SetDialogBackgroundColor(dialogid, color); // Color is hex. (Not sure if this is possible though)
native SetDialogControllable(dialogid, bool:toggle); // Allow/disallow activation of the buttons of the dialog.
native SetDialogSize(dialogid, Float:sizex, Float:sizey);//Set's the dialog's size
native SetPlayerMouseControllable(playerid, bool:toggle); //Allows/disallows use of a player's mouse when in a dialog/has the chat box open.
native TogglePlayerChatbox(playerid, bool:toggle, bool:reactivate); //Toggles the player's chatbox, third param allows/disallows him to reactivate his chatbox using the F7 key.

It would be good to update some to dm,tdm and other game modes becuse it have be many upadetes for Rp.

SetVehicleComponentRot(componentid,RX,RY,RZ);//Component id like doors and others including tune parts

Can components be changed in gta sa? I don't even think it's possible

like change the components rotation and that stuff, I've never seen that done before

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