spawning cars with id's

Alright so i want to make a rental system but the cars will be spawned from dialog text for example a list dialog when they click the car that they want to rent it will spawn, But i want each car that is spawned to have an id so that i can make sure only the person that has rented that car can use it how would i go about doing something like this?

Each time you spawn a car, it has a unique identifying number. It changes when the vehicle is destroyed though, is this what you're looking for?

yes how do i get this number though im unsure how i would make the rental car only be usable by them.

You can use GetPlayerVehicleID() to determine which vehicle the playerid is in.

If you create the vehicle the return value of CreateVehicle is the unique vehicleid

could you give a code example of how i could set that?

i mean how can i get that id and give it to the player?

I think that this could work

not sure because of the new native SetVehicleParamsEx

pawn Код:
//where you create the vehicle for the player
    vehicleid = CreateVehicle(...);
SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(vehicleid, playerid, 0, 0);
Additionally you should read the OnVehicleStreamIn part on the page SetVehicleParamsForPlayer

i think i got what did you say
here you can see vehicle's ids+names :
pawn Код:
CreateVehicle(vehicletype, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rotation, color1, color2, respawn_delay);
CreateVehicle(411, 0.000, 0.000, 10.1234,50,120,120,5);
//Explaning : CreateVehicle(Vehicle id(for example :: 411) ,X(look on the Picture),Y(look on the Picture),Z Hight(+Z = UP | -Z = Down) , FacingAngle(Look on the picture(with this you can rotate the vehicle), color1(vehicle Colour) ,color2(vehicle colour),Respawn time(how much time he will stay in the same place with out a driver)
Picture:[Image: xyz_axes.gif]

FacingAngle(the vehicle in the center) : [Image: asdasdasdasdasdasdcord.PNG]

i hope it will help you alittle

Scripters : fix me if i sayed somthing wrong >.<

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