stock Problem

Some stocks I use in my script are returning "error 017: undefined symbol: stock_name_here" when I compile. The stock names are correct in each command/callback and the callback for each stock are working, but I keep getting the errors.

Is there any #define or #include to use that are needed to run stocks? Am I missing something? :S

Make sure your code isn't inside any if defined codes for one. Also, can you chuck me that part of the code over MSN or tell WillSuck to, I'll take a look at it for you.

OK, I'll PM the stocks to you, we had a little problem with the whole script today and had to go back to a backup file, and now we have to re-do some stuff sadly

Also, willsuck isn't on, else I'd ask him

EDIT: Also, the stocks were working before, but I don't know why they're not anymore.

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