The SA-MP Forums are broken!

The number of database error messages and timeouts is increasing, can someone do something about it? This is the 3rd time today i can't get on the site...


Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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The number of database error messages and timeouts is increasing, can someone do something about it? This is the 3rd time today i can't get on the site...

It also legitimately froze my Opera from trying to open the page.. I'm not sure if this is related or not.

I remember someone saying that the forum is making a backup of itself at a certain time and goes down while it's being done. No wonder, 1 million posts to back up.

But this happens at different times of the day...

People SA-MP is a free so what do you expect ?!
Do not complain point is we got perfect service and support

Originally Posted by DRIFT_HUNTER
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People SA-MP is a free so what do you expect ?!
Do not complain point is we got perfect service and support
If we had perfect service, the forums wouldn't be doing this...nothing wrong with SA-MP service or support, im just saying the forums going down and random times in the day is starting to get on my nerves. Espicially when its working for 30 seconds and you write a long message and then click post or w/e and it doesn't post it gives error messages. And then the whole forum stops working for you.

I guess it's a hardware issue because I have a dedi on the same network with no problems.

The SA-MP main is mega-fucked...


It's freaking me out...I got database error twice today...And there are periods when it takes 30 seconds to load a page

Lol. I was checking SAMP wiki. Geuss what.. Everything worked fine. Then I pressed the link to go to the explanation.. BOOM. database error..

i was like: fml

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