Need a Mapper

im looking for a mapper im not offering money but im offering admin level 4 in my server (at start) if he makes good things il make it admin level 6!!!

Let me guess, RP script?

Anyway even if i'm very good at mapping no time.

man its Rp script i just want maping thats all!!!

your server have players ?

yes it does its a new server well is someone offering to help me!!!

i can map but its boring >.>
and plus i hate RP
maybe i will think

Pm me i am interested but thing is i want Co owner rank .^^

I can map, I ahve mapped a few things like a really big FD station and plus I was hopeing to work for a rp server if your want any maps email me at hope you or someone will let me map in their rp server

(if you want any pics to see how my ampping is just send an email with the link of this forum and say I want some pics of your maps plz with ur server name and in-game name)

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