[F.A.Q] Ports

The Concept Of Ports
What is a port?
a port is an access / communication endpoint for a certain application running on a system, or more-so you could look at it as a "link" to a application running on a certain IP address.
What is the difference between UDP and TCP?
UDP- Used for quick transmission. (Teamspeak Gaming VOIP etc.)
TCP- Used for slower but more reliable transmission. (Websites FTP)
How many ports are there?
Ports go from 0-65536.
Do dedicated servers have to be portforwarded?
Dedicated Servers Have To Be Forwarded As Well.
Why is portforwarding more secure than just entering DMZ mode (Firewall Completely Off).
Because it provides a way for a server to manage connections and security seamlessly.
How do i portforward?
It depends on you router and how it is set up by your ISP. Your best bet is to look up your router model here and look at the guides.
How do i tell if the port is open?
You can use a tool on a website such as the one here or a local tool like the one here. I typically use the local tool cause it has a less chance off giving a wrong reading.
Some Common Problems If You Configured Your Router To Port Forward But Does Not Work.
1. You did not configure your router correctly (Look Here And Double Check Yourself http://portforward.com)
2. Your ISP has blocked the port you are trying to operate off of.
3. Your windows firewall is on or antivirus firewall is not configured correctly.
Why would your isp (internet service provider) block these ports?
Because they do not want home servers hosted with them.
Why would my antivirus / windows firewall block ports?
To prevent hacking and viruses.
Check If It Is Open-http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/
Also you have http://portforward.com/help/portcheck.htm Which checks the port as a local application not remote.
Application-https://secure.portforward.com/store/pfconfig.cgi (This apparently will do the portforwarding automatically for you with no user intervention. I do not have any reviews on it)
What Do I Think?
You should go with a server host or vps host? Why?
-For one your isp cannot handle the speeds to host a server more than likely.
-You cannot keep your computer on 24/7
Originally Posted by Runedog48
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For anyone who has troubles with it not working and its set up correctly:
1. Goto Start
2. Goto Settings --> Control Panel
3. Goto Windows Firewall
4. Goto Exceptions
5. Press Add Port...
6. Name your port and type your ports number in, then press add ok
7. Goto Advanced
8. Add your port to the local area connection/wireless & anything else thats there
9. Restart your computer
10. Profit
Robert Crawford

For anyone who has troubles with it not working and its set up correctly:
1. Goto Start
2. Goto Settings --> Control Panel
3. Goto Windows Firewall
4. Goto Exceptions
5. Press Add Port...
6. Name your port and type your ports number in, then press add ok
7. Goto Advanced
8. Add your port to the local area connection/wireless & anything else thats there by pressing settings and Add...
9. Restart your computer
10. Profit

TY for quoting this

Please add thoughts, etc. things thats should be added to this.
- Also i typicaly say turn the windows firewall off because if you do have antivirus it does the job.

Originally Posted by Robert_Crawford
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-Mysql, as server scripting becomes more advanced, and if you are having issues with port forwarding then your gonna have issues with sql.
MySQL is not hard to set up.


I thought that needs to be forwarded as well?

Great job, Rob. (Teehee). Bout time someone did this. +Rep.

Originally Posted by Robert_Crawford
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I thought that needs to be forwarded as well?
You don't need to port forward if you are connecting to the MySQL server locally. If you have a server running on a remote network (E.G website) that needs to access the DB then you might need to port forward.

Most times it will actually your local computer connecting to a remote SQL server, in which case all you need to do is open the port on your server firewall.

Yah i use local sql. But i guess i had to do that cause my server and my site both connect to one another useing mysql. I'll edit that right now.

What is a port?
A port is an exception in your firewall that allows data to flow freely using a sort of hole in your firewall.

That's not exactly correct. In a nutshell, a port is an access / communication endpoint for a certain application running on a system, or more-so you could look at it as a "link" to a application running on a certain IP address.

Ie, a SA:MP server running on port 7777 and IP, the address specifies for external users (or in this case local only) who are using the SA:MP client to connect to the SA:MP client which is listening on port 7777 and bound to IP address Your definition is more so a definition of port forwarding rather than a port itself.


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