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hi i wanna install a gamemode but i dont know how to install that! its unknown when i install! im looking for somebody that have a server install a gamemode for me if you can help me type it here or send a personal message to me! the person who install the gamemode will be level 6 (server owner) admin!

Make sure plugins are .so not .dll.

they are .so and i dont know whats the problem! if anybody can help me post here

If you don't know how to install a gamemode you might consider not to start a server...

Anyway, Did you upload all files? (.inc, .pwn and .so) server.cfg correct?
If you have all those 2 done, then you should be able to start your server.

i uploaded all of them but i dont know why i have this problem.and i installed stunt evolution gamemode! it works but it got crashed after few days!!!

nobody can instal it?

Yes, I do have one, used only for Beta-testing and frankly it works fine for me. I see/have no problems with it and it works fine. Your obviously doing something wrong. You've posted one prior to this with over 35 posts explaining what you should do. Don't make another post because it isn't working.

on the last post i tested all post but non of the worked! nowim looking for a person who login to my ftp and istall that gamemode! there is the only way i have

i have a samp4free you have teamviewer?if you have send me your id and password by a pm messange and i put your server working!!!

or i connect to your ftp account and i put your server working...i have my server working on samp4free so.....

8 samp4free servers avaliable...take your server now!!!

Originally Posted by alpha500delta
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...Anyway, Did you upload all files? (.inc, .pwn and .so) server.cfg correct?...
Why would you have to upload includes or PAWN files? They are not being used by the server, they are just for compiling the PAWN script. There is no need to upload these files, so don't do it - they could just steal your script, if you do so.

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