Financial benefits - SA-MP server

Hi there.
There is some polish RP server, very popular and advanced. But some time ago, its owner started earning money on it. For first, there were just regular premium accounts. Later, range of paid services grown - now you must pay for almost everything, including register.
So, just curious... is it legal? I thought that gathering financial benefits from running a SA-MP server is banned in samp-license.

© This software may not be exploited for personal, financial or
commercial gain.

So, why this business is running so well?
Thank you for your answers in advance and sorry if something is not as clear as it should be.

SA-MP is free software, so by making people pay to register,i believe that violates the terms.

Umm never saw something like this before.

Well, they probably haven't been discovered until now...

They are going to have alot to answer for IF it's something illegal
(I wouldn't want to be in thier shoes if that's the case though)

Right, but this server with so big database (856997 posts, 24530 users on board, much more ingame content [characters, vehicles, buildings, etc.]), violating the terms of SA-MP license for a long time, is still working... I just can't believe that SA-MP team doesn't know about its existence and so big owner's income.

Well Mojzesz go and report his server to SAMP development.

Originally Posted by WoodPecker
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Well Mojzesz go and report his server to SAMP development.
Why should I do that? I was just curious, I am not envy and really don't want to destroy someone's work. By the way, I think that SAMP development knows about it.

How they should know it if noone is reporting them?

SA-MP's Service Agreement does not state whether a server owner may ask money for his server/services.
Thus, if he wants to, he may do it. He isn't whining, his players haven't been whining for as far as I know.
SO, why are you whining?


© This software may not be exploited for personal, financial or
commercial gain.

I think that means, that the software can not be sold or something like that.

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