[Critical] No HP loss while riding a bike or a BMX + resume of DM bugs


Some of us (DMers) have noticed a new bug appeared on 0.3b or 0.3c, I'm not quite sure which version the bug appeared but most likely on 0.3c. Even some players are even abusing this bug to take advantage during a match or a situation.

The bug is simple to understand and track, but it doesn't happen always at 100%. At least as far as I tested, sometimes people get hit, sometimes they don't.
While you are riding a bike or a bicycle, if people shoot you, even if you stopped, you do take hits on the skin and even on your screen you see your skin losing blood but your HP won't get down.

This bug has been spotted in various clans and it's tending to be more abusive through the days.
This bug is critical because it's a client bug interacting directly with the game and damaging some matches a lot.
I remember this bug on 0.2X and 0.3a (and perhaps 0.3b) didn't exist. You could hit people normally.
Now things got weird.

I WILL try to get this bug recorded on ******* so you can easily see how it is.

And now to resume the list of bugs that penalize a lot the Deathmatching on 0.3c, here I leave you the bugs organized in a list and with the respective videos hoping for the next SAMP version to have them fixed for good.

Reload bug - Sometimes you're shooting but others see you reloading (appeared in 0.3c and happens with any weapons that use a reloadable clip, although happens with spas more frequently for some reason)

Sniper Bug - It's rare but still happens. Snipers shoot their own head. (bug exists since 0.2 versions)


Bike + Bicycle bug - Sometimes people can't hit you if you are riding one of those. (bug exists since 0.3(c?) )
Video soon.

Kind Regards,

For the reloading bug, I guess it should be FPS problem.
I've experimented about that.
Let say player A has very bad PC specs, which means he is a lagger.
Player B has a better PC specs than him so his frame rate is higher.

Player A uses a desert eagle to shoot something (for example player B). Since player A is lag, he shoot the 7 bullets slowly. However player B has a higher FPS, and because of how SA-MP sync works (by applying keys), player B will see player A shoots faster than what actually player A sees.

So because of how sync works, when player B see player A has shot 7 bullets and is reloading, player A has only shot 3-4 bullets only. Then, because player A is still shooting, player B will see player A shooting again, after reloading his gun.

Actually that's how it syncs before 0.3b (or maybe 0.3c). However in the latest versions seems that it will also sync the reloading. So in this example, player A is still shooting his remaining 3-4 bullets, while player B "thinks" that player A has 7 bullets (because player B see player A has reloaded his gun). So when player A finished shooting his 7 bullets, player B actually see him has shot 3-4 bullets only after the reloading. At this moment player A reloads his gun, and since it is synced, player B see player A reloads the gun again, and cause the reloading bug.

So IMHO, either removing the reload animation sync, or sync every shot of the player.
However if every shot is synced, laggers can hardly shoot players...:/

Easiest way is to bring back that little piece of code regarding the reloading sync from 0.3b or just find an alternative way to fix it without creating any other problems. There were absolutely no major problems there and we were happy than ever with 0.3b's sync. DMers always fear what the new samp versions bring in terms of sync, because theres always something that changes either to good or worse.

Problem #1 is the point of lower FPS, or higher FPS and computer specs.

Problem #2 Has happened ever since I began playing 0.3c as well. It is a common thing, and happens all the time, but it doesn't cause any harm, disadvantage so I don't see a really big reason why this is hurting your gameplay..

Originally Posted by ToPhrESH
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Problem #1 is the point of lower FPS, or higher FPS and computer specs.
On that video both players had the same FPS. It's not a FPS problem since on 0.3b we tested with the same players and the same FPS and the reload bug doesn't happen.

other damage bug: sometimes, bullets fired with deagle or sniper, dont take effect (in non-moving players, not esc)

Originally Posted by arakuta
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other damage bug: sometimes, bullets fired with deagle or sniper, dont take effect (in non-moving players, not esc)
That's not a bug. It's due to the player's lag (the one whom you're aiming). To hit a player it's important not to aim for the skin, but a bit further for normal guns, for sniper you'd have to aim a bit further + a little more because the sniper's bullet takes some milliseconds to reach an enemy.

Check this: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDzz2ymH_Rg[/ame]

Originally Posted by arakuta
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other damage bug: sometimes, bullets fired with deagle or sniper, dont take effect (in non-moving players, not esc)
Read again LaZ

One of problems with reloading sync is, that the reload flag is not always sent when player fps lags, it's sometimes missed as sa-mp send cycles happen in such way that it misses the moment when reloading was supposed to happen. I suggest you use a fps counter and kick them off the server if they annoy people with this.

Additionally the desynced reloading time was happening since forever and it has to do with clip ammo not being synced.

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