I need someone to compile my .PWN.

Hey, i wonder if anyone here can compile my .PWN file, because when i compile it the compiler stop working and don't compile it...

PWN FILE: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EIE9BLGI

Hope you can help me!

It's your script that's fucked up not your pawno.

Your SCript Has An Error. Do You See Error When You Compile it?

Huh, whats wrong with it? xD

We Cant Tell Without Looking At IT! You Should Paste it To Solid Files And Send me the link or pastebin

No, my pawno crashes...

Okay, i upload to pastebin.

EDIT: Or, can't you just add the thing im trying to add? xD

Im trying to make a gate moving...

Make a new gamemode and add it plz...

Closed Gate Cords: 1622.2920, -1862.3800, 13.5469
Opened Gate Cords: 1623.0051, -1855.8396, 25.6943

It shall open with /opengate and close with /closegate ...
If you do it, i will read the code to understund it and add my working stuff...

Originally Posted by FobbanN
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No, my pawno crashes...
Im thinking That theres a return were its not suppose to be or a bad indenting. It happeneds to me, Do you remember where you has the code working? then it crashed?

Originally Posted by HayZatic
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We Cant Tell Without Looking At IT! You Should Paste it To Solid Files And Send me the link or pastebin
Talk normal!

Originally Posted by FobbanN
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Hey, i wonder if anyone here can compile my .PWN file, because when i compile it the compiler stop working and don't compile it...

PWN FILE: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EIE9BLGI

Hope you can help me!
Well if your pawno COMPILER crashes then the problem is in your script.
If pawno itself crashes, then tell me when, also try to start it as administrator, or try this: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=265043

Originally Posted by HayZatic
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Im thinking That theres a return were its not suppose to be or a bad indenting. It happeneds to me, Do you remember where you has the code working? then it crashed?
Erm, i added
#new hgate1
"hqgate1" = CreateObject(890, 480.8073, -1316.2633, 15.7540, 0, 0, 269.5);

and when i remove it as i just did i get to many errors, i must have done anything else wronge when i edited onplayerdeath or something, But can you you just add the thing im trying to add? xD

Im trying to make a gate moving...

Make a new gamemode and add it plz...

Closed Gate Cords: 1622.2920, -1862.3800, 13.5469
Opened Gate Cords: 1623.0051, -1855.8396, 25.6943

It shall open with /opengate and close with /closegate ...
If you do it, i will read the code to understund it and add my working stuff.

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