[FilterScript] BanKickName = /Kick and /Ban from name

Hi everybody ! This is my first release. I called it BanKickName.

Why ?

It's just two commands : /kick and /ban from name/part of name, because I thought that kicking (or banning) from an ID is very slow and annoying.


Sscanf plugin witch can be found here.

How ?

Before using this filterscript, you must edit your "server.cfg" file (witch is in the root directory of your server). At the "filterscripts" line, remove "base" and add "BanKickName", and save the file. Then, copy the BanKickName.amx file in the "filterscripts" directory (witch is in the root directory of your server).


hello- This will desactivate the "base" filterscript that contains the /kic, /ban and /pm from ID commands. To reactivate it, simply re-enter "base" in the "filterscripts" line, juse re-enter "base" and save the file.

hello- Don't use "base" and "BanKickName" filterscripts toguether, they are not compatible.

To use the commands, you must be logged as admin !

The commands must be used like that :

hello- /kick [playername/part of name] [reason]

=> This will kick the player and he will recieve 2 messages :

hellohello·"You were kicked from the server by [admin who kicked the player]".

hellohello·"Reason : [the reason that the admin entered]".

=> All players connected to the server will recieve two messages :

hellohello·"Player [player who was kicked] was kicked by [admin who banned]".

hellohello·"Reason: [the reason that the admin entered]".

hello- /ban [playername/part of name] [reason]

=> This will ban the player and he will recieve 2 messages :

hellohello·"You were banned from the server by [admin who bannedthe player]".

hellohello·"Reason : [the reason that the admin entered]".

=> All players connected to the server will recieve two messages :

hellohello·"Player [player who was banned] was banned by [admin who banned]".

hellohello·"Reason: [the reason that the admin entered]".


You can download the compiled filterscript (.amx) here : http://www.mediafire.com/?rmzd0g51go4jnp4
And it's source (.pwn) here : http://www.mediafire.com/?j1c82ah0htzlmf8

PS: If there are any error or bugs in the filterscript, contact me

where is the source (.pwn) file?

I can ban with player name without this -.-, I think you just rename base.amx into this!

No, you can't ban a player from his name with base filterscript. I will add the pwn file in a few minuts.

So ? Do you think I just renamer the filterscript ? :P

Wow Very Hard To make

Originally Posted by Indian
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Wow Very Hard To make
Yes, it was little difficult to make it because I'm a noob scripter ^^ For a good scripter, I think it's very simple to make.

Up !

Originally Posted by ludesert
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=> This will kick the player and he will recieve 2 messages :

hellohello·"You were kicked from the server by [admin who kicked the player]".

hellohello·"Reason : [the reason that the admin entered]".

=> All players connected to the server will recieve two messages :

hellohello·"Player [player who was kicked] was kicked by [admin who banned]".

hellohello·"Reason: [the reason that the admin entered]".

=> This will ban the player and he will recieve 2 messages :

hellohello·"You were banned from the server by [admin who bannedthe player]".

hellohello·"Reason : [the reason that the admin entered]".

=> All players connected to the server will recieve two messages :

hellohello·"Player [player who was banned] was banned by [admin who banned]".

hellohello·"Reason: [the reason that the admin entered]".

the code :

pawn Code:
format(msgtoall1, sizeof(msgtoall1), "Le joueur %s a йtй banni du serveur par %s", GetName(id), admin);
return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Joueur non trouvй");
format(msg2, sizeof(msg2), "Raison: %s.", reason);
That's from the script I downloaded.. :\

Copying script eh?

Oops ! This is my script, but it is in French because my server is in French. So, I translated it to release it, but I think I didn't upload the good file. Fixed

Sorry for that :/

I dunno what is so hard to make this but okay nice

It was little difficult because I'm nt a good scripter For a good scripter, this FS is done in 5 minuts

Wtf is Hellohello in description D:
Anyway don't bump if nobody reply

Tab doedn't work

very nice ! keep up the good work mate

Thx =)

My account was banned (I did an error ...), so I created a new account. I'll reply with this one !

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