
I am looking for someone that can teach me to script and also script on a server with me, I would like to make a server with someone anyone would like to step forward? A UNIQUE roleplay will be good.



It is quite difficult

Yeah, But im looking for someone to make one with me, It will be UNIQUE soo

Like SmileyForCheat said, Role-play scripts are a very large commitment. They take months to create and it's best not to start making one if you are unable to script basic functions yourself. Start off with a small gamemode like a TDM or a death match script and slowly make your way up into building larger gamemodes.

I have had people scripting for me in my old servers, Roleplay and that, The fastest we have ever made a Roleplay was in a week.. I know it sounds impossible but it isn't and yeha your right, Its very difficult but I help a lot, Even tho i dont script ^^

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