30.06.2011, 17:09
Hey all. I have a problem, in the filterscript forum, i find many filterscript i want to use, but they are from solidfiles.net, and i got an erro when im trying to download from them:
I tryed on my other pc, it wont load it, So, anything to do to fix this?
Tryed to download:
And yes, i know, this have nothing to do with server support, but if i cant download filterscript from the site, i will call it a "server" problem.
Oops! ****** Chrome could not connect to storage-3.de.solidfiles.net Suggestions: Go to solidfiles.*net Try reloading: storage-*3.*de.*solidfiles.*net/*files/*dev7/*0/*000/*084/*0000084811/*e551189c7b94a291*708531f62c0e74ae*/*4e0cb96e/*dealership.*pwn Search on ******:
Tryed to download:
And yes, i know, this have nothing to do with server support, but if i cant download filterscript from the site, i will call it a "server" problem.