UGH! SA-MP not starting..

Well, I can start SP perfectly and run it.
I reinstalled SA because I had some mods and removed them.
I installed SA-MP but it doesn't work at all.
It loads to my login screen (the server login, Not the connect button) but then crashes, Sometimes it doesn't even load past that.

Has this happened to anyone? And if it did how did you fix it?

I already tried adding and deleting the .set or whatever file, And that doesn't do anything.

Don't say restore your computer.

Thanks I really need help

Did you remove all of the contents of your GTA folder after performing your uninstall?

Sometimes, during the uninstall process, some files aren't removed, and when you come around to reinstalling the game, the old files aren't overwritten which may be causing your problem.

Just did that, Still nothing. It crashes.

Weird, I restarted my computer and it fixed it. Sorry for the trouble. But thanks Calg00ne that helped.

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