Problem with big variables

I got a problem with this variable (tested with sendclientmessage before and after it).
I know the limit of variable size is 1024 but i really need this big var to load all of the player data from mysql.
new data[140][25];
The text before it shows, but the text after it doesn't.
                        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Please wait till the server loads your data.");
			new data[140][10]; //The data strings
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Loading data...");
			split(LoadData, data, '|');
                        PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] = strvalEx(data[3]);
Any ideas how i can fix this?

Originally Posted by ******
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Use sscanf, not split. That will entirely negate the need for the ridiculously huge intermediate array.

Also, if you think the limit is 1024, why are you wondering why 140*25=3500 doesn't work?
I'm just wondering how to make this work :P
Thanks for your help ill try it.

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