Mappers needed

Hello all.

I am presenting you Future Freedom:

Well, i am the scripter but i dont really do maps and stuff, i need a professional mapper who would make some very unique maps, i alredy got some ideas in mind.

The mapper shouldnt have his own server, because i will make a brand new community and and the mapper will be the server owner. I cannot pay, i will pay for server hosting, hosted tab, website scripting & desig and website hosting, so i am very low on budget. I want this server get to the top, like it was in the 2007-2009, i had a roleplay server with over 250+ players, but i had to quit it because of realy life problems(with my head), so im back here and going to make a new community which will "kick ass"! Thats all, PM me your MSN/Skype/Steam if interested. The mapper will get (as i said) server owner, VIP status, and he would help me by making the server (give me ideas)

I, would of, but I accidentally /formatted my Windows so now I have to use linux xD
anyway, good luck
sucks that you had to /quit.

Originally Posted by Mark_Weston
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I, would of, but I accidentally /formatted my Windows so now I have to use linux xD
anyway, good luck
sucks that you had to /quit.
Lol, cant you use MTA map editor on linux?
Yeah had a head operation

Originally Posted by Markx
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Lol, cant you use MTA map editor on linux?
Yeah had a head operation
oh ( <-- : O ), I don't know can you? YOu need GTA SA too?

Hmm maybe I can make some maps... Send me a PM and I can show you an example of some mine maps

also is it a rp or a dm/other server?

I Can Help.......PM me if need me! some thing made before some days you can see in my signature that is admin island.....

Originally Posted by ronaldoraul
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I Can Help.......PM me if need me! some thing made before some days you can see in my signature that is admin island.....

Originally Posted by Mark_Weston
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also is it a rp or a dm/other server?
Freeroam/Fun/TDM/Mini missions

I Can help you in this , I was mapping before for RP / FreeRoam / DM servers.. If you want something PM me

will be dming allowed in your server ?

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