23.06.2011, 07:28
Hey again , i am using Raven's Rp GM , it's awesome and i updated many things in it , but i am facing some bugs if someone can fix them and tell me how pelase , or he come to my server and fix them and will get admin lvl 6 ( Server Scripter ) - Here are the bugs : 1st- When new player join the server he AutoMatic get TONS of cash
2nd- 24 / 7 When you go /buy there it say OUT OF STOCK , even if i fell it with Products
3rd- LSPD / FBI / NG - when you do /duty anywhere it say : YOU ON DUTY , but nothing happen and can't do /equip it says : YOU NOT ON DUTY
And that's all
2nd- 24 / 7 When you go /buy there it say OUT OF STOCK , even if i fell it with Products
3rd- LSPD / FBI / NG - when you do /duty anywhere it say : YOU ON DUTY , but nothing happen and can't do /equip it says : YOU NOT ON DUTY
And that's all