20.06.2011, 16:37
i want to stop train and he stop now
someone know any way to do this
TogglePlayerControllable dont work it can stop car bike but cant stop traint it freeze player but train keep going
i try
this stop car and other vehicle but still canot stop the traint
someone know how to stop traing
? and there is some way to do this?
someone know any way to do this

TogglePlayerControllable dont work it can stop car bike but cant stop traint it freeze player but train keep going
i try
stock SlowenVehicle(vid,Float:howmuch) { static Float:T[3]; GetVehicleVelocity(vid, T[0], T[1], T[2]); return SetVehicleVelocity(vid,T[0] / howmuch , T[1] / howmuch , T[2]); }
someone know how to stop traing