17.06.2011, 12:32
hello i am horrible again
i use this command to go stunt on my gamemode
but the problem is
1. i dunno how to /back (tele player to the place when he type /stunt)
2. i dunno how to /v [spawn car] (only at stunt) Example:/v turismo
please help me
i use this command to go stunt on my gamemode
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if (strcmp("/stunt", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1114.1460, 378.5243, 14.1484); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid,12); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,""#COL_WHITE"Sekarang Anda Telah Memasuki "#COL_RED"/stunt"); return 1; |
1. i dunno how to /back (tele player to the place when he type /stunt)
2. i dunno how to /v [spawn car] (only at stunt) Example:/v turismo
please help me