[FilterScript] ColdBuster 1.0

Originally Posted by Mike Garber
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It's not working if it bans you for buying armor in a legit way, then it's not good.
And, it might not beat JunkBuster, but the way you compare lines to how good a script is, is wrong.
The less lines and the more functionality per line = the more efficient is the script = better.

And also, he can choose whatever name he wants, unless it's the exact name.
There's other scripts called similary, such as DCMD and ZCMD. And also JunkBuster is a "copy" of PunkBuster which is an anti-cheat client for games like Battlefield.
Disable ammunations, and as you can see, under OnPlayerSpawn, there is SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 99), so if he gets more than that, its probably an HH

Thanks for everyone for your constructive command.

Originally Posted by Mike Garber
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It's not working if it bans you for buying armor in a legit way, then it's not good.
And, it might not beat JunkBuster, but the way you compare lines to how good a script is, is wrong.
The less lines and the more functionality per line = the more efficient is the script = better.

And also, he can choose whatever name he wants, unless it's the exact name.
There's other scripts called similary, such as DCMD and ZCMD. And also JunkBuster is a "copy" of PunkBuster which is an anti-cheat client for games like Battlefield.
The same code for serverside weapons/health/armour is running on my old server since a very long time and there are no problems. You just have to install JunkBuster correct. JunkBuster checks for Ammu-Nation, pickups, player classes etc.. This shouldn't be a problem...

Anti-cheat filterscripts/includes are useless because every gamemode is diffrend and
should have its own developed anti-cheat, for example i took a look into your code and
if i would buy armor in my server from the ammu-nation i would get instantly banned.
Also the use of OnPlayerUpdate isnt quite nice as if it would be totaly enough to check
the cheats with a timer every 5 seconds.
For newly developed cheats you only need to use your brain once again, remember that
pawno is a unlimited source and with a bit of imagination everything is possible to script.

Originally Posted by Max_Coldheart
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Hacks are still being developed. JunkBuster - not.
I'm actually working on a new version which can detect some newer cheats.

Originally Posted by OldDirtyBastard
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Anti-cheat filterscripts/includes are useless because every gamemode is diffrend and
should have its own developed anti-cheat, for example i took a look into your code and
if i would buy armor in my server from the ammu-nation i would get instantly banned.
Also the use of OnPlayerUpdate isnt quite nice as if it would be totaly enough to check
the cheats with a timer every 5 seconds.
For newly developed cheats you only need to use your brain once again, remember that
pawno is a unlimited source and with a bit of imagination everything is possible to script.
No. PAWN is pretty limited.

Im looking for anti-airbreak but i don't find it But maybe you can add it in version 1.1 ?

I think i can try version 1.1 Already has serverside money

Coldheart, your Anti-Armour and Anti-Health code will NEVER work.
1) GetPlayerHealth will only return values between 0 and 255 (as far as I know).
2) Why would you ban someone with full armour? That's not cheating?
3) Actually the code for checking health and armour is nonsense:
pawn Код:
if(GetPlayerHealth(playerid, health) > 999999)
if(GetPlayerArmour(playerid, armor) == 100)
GetPlayerHealth and GetPlayerArmour do both NOT return any health/armour value.
compare the variables health and armour with the numbers after you have used GetPlayerHealth/Armour.
pawn Код:
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, health);
if(health > 100)
...//If server doesn't set higher amounts of health than 100, the player is a cheater.
Before you try making an anti-cheat, you should know how to use a specific function correctly.


Originally Posted by gamer931215
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Looks nice, however some methods wont work on every hack.
Your checking the player's health as instance if its above 999999, but what if i use cheatengine and set it to 999998 ?

Can't you try something like this (im now sure if this is a good method however):
pawn Код:
for(new i = 0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
        if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
        new Float:health,Float:check;
        SetPlayerHealth(i,(health -1)); //check if you can remove 1 HP
        GetPlayerHealth(i,check); //verify the check
        if(check != (health -1) || health > 100) //if the check isnt correct or that the health is above 100
            SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_RED,"You have been kicked by the server (Reason: Health hacks).");
        } else {
            SetPlayerHealth(i,health); //restore the health

I think its much more effective.
This will also not work correctly.
pawn Код:
SetPlayerHealth(i,(health -1)); //check if you can remove 1 HP
GetPlayerHealth(i,check); //verify the check
That's will not work at all because the server does as far as I know (since SA-MP isn't multithread except for HTTP as far as I know) not send/recieve data until the PAWN code has been executed. Even If it would update while PAWN code is executed, the players health would never update fast enough: Player must recieve information that his health has been lowered and also has to send back data of his updated health.

This isn't an anti-cheat, this script just bans people when specific conditions are met.

Dude, your "anti-cheat" has been copied from here:

No, its not copied, I have modified it, and not yet uploaded

Awesome work

 if(GetPlayerArmour(playerid, armor) == 100)
So I will get banned even if I have a normal armour?
You should set it over 100.

Anyways... simple.

A bit coarse
Let's do a list:
1. Why all players cannot have some weapons? If I'm an admin and want to use a minugun, and maybe give it to someone else that is not admin it would ban all user (same thing for jetpack)
1: Suggestion: Create an array for player containing Players[MAX_PLAYERS][Weapon_info] where you put weapon that players have instead
If you can't do that, at least enable it for RCon admin by checking (IsPlayerAmin(playerid))
2. The health hack has no use, if i re-set my health to 100 it will not check for it.
2: Suggestion: Use timers to check player's health before and after and then compare it. If it is > than before (and the player is not dead a moment ago) check anti health hack. (Could interfere with vending machine, so be sure of disabling them)
3. Anti Armour Hack.
On Player Connection his armour is set to 99. Just a question why?? If somebody don't want on his server giving players armour what should he do?

Well what to say, try to improve!

Originally Posted by Phanto90
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A bit coarse
Let's do a list:
1. Why all players cannot have some weapons? If I'm an admin and want to use a minugun, and maybe give it to someone else that is not admin it would ban all user (same thing for jetpack)
1: Suggestion: Create an array for player containing Players[MAX_PLAYERS][Weapon_info] where you put weapon that players have instead
If you can't do that, at least enable it for RCon admin by checking (IsPlayerAmin(playerid))
2. The health hack has no use, if i re-set my health to 100 it will not check for it.
2: Suggestion: Use timers to check player's health before and after and then compare it. If it is > than before (and the player is not dead a moment ago) check anti health hack. (Could interfere with vending machine, so be sure of disabling them)
3. Anti Armour Hack.
On Player Connection his armour is set to 99. Just a question why?? If somebody don't want on his server giving players armour what should he do?

Well what to say, try to improve!
Thank You for This good Comment. I'm sure To See what I can do for your suggestions

You should also make config files using dini or dudb (I dont know the diffrence) when the script starts to get bigger.

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