12.06.2011, 09:15
Последний раз редактировалось Gertin; 15.04.2012 в 16:44.
.: WeaponShop FilterScript :.
.: About that :.
It is weapon shop, where you can buy weapons with that ammo, what you wan't . Max ammo is 250 . Have a sweet time !

.: Commands :.
/Shop --> That open the shop !
/AShop --> Its for Rcon admins, to open/close shop .
.: Screenshots :.
Its picture :
.: Bugs :.
Dont know bugs yet !
.: Download :.
V 1.1
PWN : Pastebin
PWN and AMX (With Includes) : SolidFiles[/I]
V 1.0
PWN : Pastebin
PWN and AMX (With Includes) : SolidFiles
.: Install :.
If you want to complite it, you need that :
#include <zcmd> #include <dudb> #include <sscanf2>
You need to copy all things to the folders, what there are . When you have copyed, you need to add in server.cfg :
filterscripts WeaponShop
plugins sscanf
plugins sscanf.so
.: You can edit that :.
pawn Код:
#define MAX_AMMO 250 // Max ammo type. Change it, how much you wan't.
#define SNIPER_PRICE 50 // Sniper 1 ammo price
#define ROCKET_PRICE 10000 // Rocket 1 ammo price
#define MOLOTIV_PRICE 100 // Molotiv 1 ammo price
#define C_SHOTGUN_PRICE 50 // Combat Shotgun 1 ammo price
#define S_SHOTGUN_PRICE 50 // Sawn-Off Shotgun 1 ammo price
#define DESERT_PRICE 30 // Desert eagle 1 ammo price
#define GRANADE_PRICE 300 // Granade 1 ammo price
#define MP5_PRICE 10 // MP5 1 ammo price
Maked by Gertin
Thank you all and if you need help, then ask on that topic or send me message . If you see any bugs, tell that here
Sry for bad English