24.05.2011, 03:01
Thanks man, if you ever need help with your house just pm me and i will help. also i am kind of working on some fieatures such as weapon spawners near the shooting range and giving the house a nicer more real look!!
1. Administrators are supposed to be administrating the server, not goofing off and being morons somewhere.
2. In the event you release a map, you should give some coordinates they could use in order to warp themselves to the center of the map. This saves people the trouble from having to find the damn place. |
I scanned the front page and must of missed it yesterday. The main point of my comment was so you would read number one...
Here, I fixed all the warnings. Just some advice for you ddematheu, but you gotta pay attention to the indentations, they're really easy to fix.
Adminhouse with cars (pwn file), with teleport!!! |