03.06.2011, 08:16
Heey all,
I made a test command for a playerfoodshop with you can set a own price of every slot. But how can i show the textdraw with the textdrawstring because if i do the command my samp crash.
Here is code:
Pls help.
Thanks Admigo
I made a test command for a playerfoodshop with you can set a own price of every slot. But how can i show the textdraw with the textdrawstring because if i do the command my samp crash.
Here is code:
TextDrawShowForPlayer(ID,TextDraw4); TextDrawShowForPlayer(ID,TextDraw7); //TextDrawShowForPlayer(ID,TextDraw5); format(str1,sizeof(str1),"~n~~n~~n~~n~ ~n~~b~500 ammo $%d~n~~b~500 ammo $%d~n~~b~500 ammo $%d~n~~b~500 ammo $%d~n~~y~~b~500 ammo $%d",WeaponPrices[ID][1],WeaponPrices[ID][2],WeaponPrices[ID][3],WeaponPrices[ID][4],WeaponPrices[ID][5]); format(str2,sizeof(str2)," ~b~500 ammo $%d~n~~b~500 ammo $%d~n~~b~500 ammo $%d~n~~b~500 ammo $%d~n~~y~~b~500 ammo $%d~n~~y~~b~500 ammo $%d~n~~y~~b~500 ammo $%d~n~",WeaponPrices[ID][6],WeaponPrices[ID][7],WeaponPrices[ID][8],WeaponPrices[ID][9],WeaponPrices[ID][10],WeaponPrices[ID][11],WeaponPrices[ID][12]); format(Total,sizeof(Total),"%s %s",str1,str2); TextDrawSetString(TextDraw5,Total); TextDrawShowForPlayer(ID,TextDraw5); format(str3,sizeof(str3),"~g~%s's Weaponshop",PlayerName(ID)); TextDrawSetString(TextDraw6,str3); TextDrawShowForPlayer(ID,TextDraw6); armshop[ID]=1; SetPVarInt(ID, "arm1", playerid);if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)==1)
Thanks Admigo