[Map] Island By Seven_DaY

Hello friends of the samp forum will be posting all my work from my old game mode I hope you like


I ask you to put my credits if you use any map Thank you for reading my

"Too squared" island. There are some beach object that are not so regular. (Recently i'm building an entire island for a project)
Add some palm to the beach and try to change sometimes house type. It seem too boring as structure
Too many rocks, i don't think they need around the airport structure.
Also too many docks (how can be 2 boats between 2 docks if there isn't event space for one?)
However not bad 6/10

Good choice of object

There are better object for the beach
Absence of realism
Too much exageration

however the pics are awesome

dude its from the pilot's life its awesome

Nice work bro

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