
Hello everyone,

Recently, I noticed that private cars in my server gone. I was searching problem, why this happen and found that job done by cheats. In ****** are function called "disable car data" and when cheater disables car data all codes doesn't work anymore for example if you have code:


if( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) )
Kick( playerid );

That doesn't work. All codes doesn't work, so my anti-cheats (for cars steal) too.

But the thing is, that other people doesn't see that, only cheater, for other peoples the car doesn't move or something meanwhile cheater driving her, or something. So that's strange. I don't know what to do, so, maybe you have some solutions, or advices.

You could run a check every second or so to see if they are in a vehicle. I don't know if it'll work, there's not much you can do about this especially if you are talking about the notorious cheat tool which shall not be named, as it's very advanced... there was an include a sort of anti cheat tool thing, it's outdated now but something like that will help you.

Yes try run timer but not every second but every ~3 seconds or try check it in OnPlayerEnterVehicle

Thank's for replies,

But I already have a global timer which cheks if someone is in vehicle and if he/she is not the owner server kick him, but this doesn't work either, i don't know why... I'm not try'd cheats too, so my anti cheats based on peoples stories.

: /

					if( strcmp( pName, vehicleDB[ vehicleid ][ owner_name ], true ) && vehicleDB[ vehicleid ][ rakinta ] )
							msg[ 99 ];

						format					( msg, sizeof(msg), "[ KICK' ] Išmestas [{FF7E7E}%s{FFFFFF}]", pName );
						SendClientMessageToAll	( WHITE, msg );
						SendClientMessageToAll	( WHITE, "{FF0000}[]{FFFFFF} Priežastis: [{FF7E7E}Galimas transp. priem. vogimas.{FFFFFF}]" );
						Kick					( playerid );
It's my "checking" it's check every 1~ sec.

owner_name - vehicles owner's name (variable).
pName - player who siting in vehicle name (variable).
rakinta - is car locked or not. In this case it's checking (&&) is vehicle locked if if, the if continues.

you could always make a timer checking every 5seconds for everybody checking if yourname is in the vehicle and if not they get kicked

Originally Posted by CrazyBlob
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you could always make a timer checking every 5seconds for everybody checking if yourname is in the vehicle and if not they get kicked
Bla bla bla read ^

So now i don't think if where are solution to stop cheating because s 0beit as always owning sa-mp ;x

Yea, you're probably right... I've and my friend send few pm's to Kalcor, but i don't really waiting for something... : D

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