[HELP] Whats the right object for the job? =]

Hey all,

I'm using the MTA Object Editor and then converting my objects to use on my SA:MP server.

I'm looking for like a buildings that's multi-storey and enterable. I plan on adding glass to it also. The more stories the better. Is their such an object. I know of Otto's Auto's shop in SF, this is similar to what I'm looking for but not an awkward shape.

If anyone could suggest some objects for me, Any buildings that are "enterable" would be greatly appreciated.

All ideas are welcome.

Thanks for reading,

Kind Regards,


How about the Wang Cars?
It's enterable but it only have 2 storeys.
Since there's not much enterable building in SA,
I'd recommend you to use some concrete/boards to build one.

Thanks for the reply leong,

Im having trouble finding suitable building objects too.

Could you recommend some?

Kind Regards,


There's a building with 2 stories in the desert somewhere that you can enter via stairs.

Thanks Vince,

Any help is greatly appreciated guys!

Add the "ls_elevator" fs to your server.cfg and find the building (near Downtown Los Santos / Mulholland Intersection). It has like 20 stories and big glass windows.

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