Help Me Please !

Every day someone bugg my server cos he make PING of the server to 1000 and more ... how can i repair this ?!? cos when server have 1000 PING players in the server get many lagg and cant do anything . please how to stop this ?!?

It might be a DoS or a DDoS. If the bugged player plays on your server, ban his IP.

i know who is the player , i ban him , but he change hi's IP please what to do ?!? give me some anticrash or some like that pls help me

Or just hosting company having problems

Sa-MP admins fail.
They deleted my post from this thread. Noobs.

Is because your internet connection mabye is not good!
I think____________________

Originally Posted by itsamazing
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i know who is the player , i ban him , but he change hi's IP please what to do ?!? give me some anticrash or some like that pls help me
Well then RBAN him. Also, ask your host to add his IP in their firewall. He won't be able to connect anymore.

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