Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer bug.

I posted this in scripting discussion incase i did something wrong. I bumped the topic and got no reply.
Anyway i want to attach 3dtext to a player but whenever i use "Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer" the text disappears. Maybe someone can shed some light for me here. Is this a bug? Or a silly mistake by me?? I have the following code,

pawn Код:
new Text3D:ij_viptitles[MAX_PLAYERS];//global
new ij_hastitle[MAX_PLAYERS];// "   "

COMMAND:viptitle(playerid, params[])
        if(isnull(params))return SendClientMessage(playerid,LRED,"ERROR: Usage /viptitle [title/name]");
        else if(strlen(params) > 25)return SendClientMessage(playerid,LRED,"ERROR: That title is too long max length is 25");
            SendClientMessage(playerid, GREEN, "Use /titleoff to remove your title");
            if(ij_hastitle[playerid] == 1)
                return Update3DTextLabelText(ij_viptitles[playerid], ORANGE, params);
                GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
                ij_viptitles[playerid] = Create3DTextLabel(params,ORANGE, x, y, z, 50.0, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), 0);
                Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(ij_viptitles[playerid], playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);//if i comment this line the 3d text is created
                ij_hastitle[playerid] = 1;                                                 //at the players location. (static)
                return 1;
    else SendClientMessage(playerid,LRED,"You Don't Have Permission To Use That Command");
    return 1;
AFAIK theres nothing wrong with that code.

Have to ask, are you testing this code on yourself?

We use the 3DText, but they're attached to vehicles. Have you tried getting in a vehicle to see if it will attach to a vehicle without conflicts?

Well iv tested it on myself ofc, but originally i actually put the code on the server i script for w/o testing because i thought that it should work without the need for testing (because its very simple). I had all the vips report that the command wasn't working. And so i tested on myself (using both incognitos plugin fuctions and the code i posted here) to no avail.

About attaching it to vehicles, that would be a seperate issue realy. I can't see how that would help my situation, but thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a try.

Just to make it clear, you put this label on you, and somebody else (who was in same virtual world as you) didn't see the label on you?

Nope i could not see it and nobody else could. If i create the label at my position it shows (static). When i attach it, it is destroyed. If someone has a command they have tested (ingame not errors) and it works please send it to me so i can see it.

Well anyway, I hope you do know that players can't see the labels attached to themselves, only others can

Originally Posted by MadeMan
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Well anyway, I hope you do know that players can't see the labels attached to themselves, only others can
Seriously?? I wish someone told me that 4 months ago lol. Thanks.


Originally Posted by iggy1
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Seriously?? I wish someone told me that 4 months ago lol. Thanks.

Better late than never

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