help with car respawn

So im trying to make it that when a car blows up it respawns at a set location.
Say like the police impound or a scarp yard, I've used search and checked wiki
but to be honest i have no idea what im looking for.
can someone please help me?

either just save the vehicle where it should respawn (that's the normal thing, that nearly everybody does)..
or set it to a certain location when it spawns (you'll need variables for the vehicles in this case)
pawn Код:
new car;
public OnGameModeInit()
  car = AddStaticVehicle(...);
  return 1;

public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid)
  if(vehicleid == car)
    SetVehiclePos(car, x, y, z);  //replace it with your positions
    SetVehicleZAngle(car, a);    // replace it with the heading of the car
  return 1;
or use random spawns
pawn Код:
new VSpawns[][4] =
  {x, y, z, a}, {x, y, z, a}, {x, y, z, a}  //replace the coords with different positions where the car could spawn add
new car;

public OnGameModeInit()
  car = AddStaticVehicle(....); //the car you want to spawn at the random pos
  return 1;

public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid)
  if(vehicleid == car)
    new n = random(sizeof(VSpawns));
    SetVehiclePos(car, VSpawns[n][0], VSpawns[n][1], VSpawns[n][2]);
    SetVehicleZAngle(car, VSpawns[n][3]);
  return 1;

This works for cars saved at that location? because i want cars that have been bought from a Dealership to respawn after been destroyed in a set location

well i tried the ways u said and it only works with cars i place into the script not bought cars.
what i need is like this

A Player buys a car from the Dealership it spawns, they drive around ect car gets damaged and blows up.
On blowing up the car doesnt respawn at there /park place it respawns in an impound or a set location where
all cars will respawn no matter if there from gamemode Createcar (...) or bought from the dealership.

pawn Код:
public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid)
  SetVehiclePos(vehicleid, x, y, z);
  SetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, a);
  return 1;

thanks it worked that was simple... i feel stupid haha.
is there a way to add a radius on there?

say like a car will spawn anywhere within 10 yards or something

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