17.05.2011, 11:38
Последний раз редактировалось Drebin; 17.05.2011 в 12:46.
Причина: Problem with tag missmatch
I got an include for missions in my own script. I use it to create ambulance missions. Here are the things I defined:
Here is my /work command:
So when I type /work the script takes a random load and unload location and a random disease and prints "Reporting -disease- at -location-. Go and help [...]
But the compiler says there is a tag missmatch in this line:
wich leads to a wrong execution of the command.
Maybe I'm too dumb or just blind, but I am a beginner
Would be nice if someone could give me a solution/hint
MissionNameStart = disease (eg. "man with broken leg")
MissionName = name of location (eg. "Dillimore")
enum AmbulanceMissionInfo { MissionName[200], bool:UseTrailerCheck, MissionPay, Float:loadx, Float:loady, Float:loadz, Float:unloadx, Float:unloady, Float:unloadz } new AmbulanceMissionRandom[][AmbulanceMissionInfo] = { {"-location name-", false, 1500, 383.7271,-2032.1228,7.8359, 2034.2332,-1412.2445,16.9922} }; enum AmbulanceMissionNames { MissionNameStart[200] } new AmbulanceMissionBegin[][AmbulanceMissionInfo] = { {"disease name here-"} };
if (pvehiclemodel == 416) //if vehicle = ambulance { new string[200]; new rand = random(sizeof(AmbulanceMissionRandom)); new NameRand = random(sizeof(AmbulanceMissionBegin)); CreatePlayerMission(playerid, AmbulanceMissionRandom[rand][UseTrailerCheck], AmbulanceMissionRandom[rand][MissionPay], AmbulanceMissionRandom[rand][loadx],AmbulanceMissionRandom[rand][loady], AmbulanceMissionRandom[rand][loadz], AmbulanceMissionRandom[rand][unloadx],AmbulanceMissionRandom[rand][unloady], AmbulanceMissionRandom[rand][unloadz]); format(string, sizeof(string),"{FF3F3F}Reporting {FFFFFF}%s{FF3F3F} at {FFFFFF}%s{FF3F3F} ! Go and help him, then bring him to the hospital", AmbulanceMissionBegin[NameRand][MissionNameStart], AmbulanceMissionRandom[rand][MissionName]); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF, string); return 1; }
But the compiler says there is a tag missmatch in this line:
format(string, sizeof(string),"{FF3F3F}Reporting {FFFFFF}%s{FF3F3F} at {FFFFFF}%s{FF3F3F} ! Go and help him, then bring him to the hospital", AmbulanceMissionBegin[NameRand][MissionNameStart], AmbulanceMissionRandom[rand][MissionName]);
Maybe I'm too dumb or just blind, but I am a beginner
Would be nice if someone could give me a solution/hint
MissionNameStart = disease (eg. "man with broken leg")
MissionName = name of location (eg. "Dillimore")