[GameMode] [GM]Los Santos Gang Wars

are the properties,weapons,gangs and money saved?

Originally Posted by Alejandro
Originally Posted by GTA
Originally Posted by Alejandro
i have a filterscript that allows u to have gangwars. u just put the coords of ur zones in and when players die in the zone, it flashes, 4 kills (can be configured) by the enemy team will take over the zone with the team color.
Could you post this filterscript please ? thx
im not sure about posting it, because idk how many people want it, and i dont even know if i wanna post it yet. although i fixed everything in it.
Yeah. It will be great if you will post the script because i realy need it for my server. and i cant already make own one

can you post this gamemode on pastebin please? somebody? i would appreciate it.

Originally Posted by Alejandro
can you post this gamemode on pastebin please? somebody? i would appreciate it.
already here http://pawn.pastebin.com/d6604c970

Very good GM!!! but:
1. not register
2. dont work /buyweapon /weaponlist
add please!

Originally Posted by Alejandro
i have a filterscript that allows u to have gangwars. u just put the coords of ur zones in and when players die in the zone, it flashes, 4 kills (can be configured) by the enemy team will take over the zone with the team color.
If you do Post it, The others are right, It would be Really Popular \o/

A lot of People would appreciate it, But, Its up to you

the problem with the gangzones that other dont see the zone flashing and a new over taken zone, is really easy to solve,just put all the GangZoneShowForPlayer stuff from onplayerspawn to onplayerconnect,the other who died cant see the zone because if he die and respawn the old color from onplayerspawn shows for him.

...can u plz fix it man?? i really wanna learn this system

well my gang wars script is VERY basic right now, im trying to make it so when a gang triggers a gangwar with another gang, it shows a message on the screen to both teams in textdraw, or game text, whichever, and when the gang wins the war, it shows another textdraw saying they won, and gives them money. same thing with losing, but they lose money and shows a textdraw msg saying they lost. if anybody wants to help or could help me with this, i will consider releasing the script.

Ah ok ppl ill fix it i wasnt playing SAMP for 1 month so i looked at this forum and saw that u have request.Im Really apreciated that u didnt forgotten this mod.

EDIT:Fixed Gang zones

Awesome GM

Any download links?

Download link doesn't work.

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