Hacker Keeps coming back

Hello. This is my problem. I'm head admin on a server and a hacker keeps coming back. he was range banned and still keeps coming back. Always with a different name. Is there any way i could ban him by something unique...Unchangeable ?

(I do know what range bans are: 14.14.*.* ; as example)

Basically, No. But you could make the range ban better by changing the second 14 to * but there is a chance that innocents might be banned.

You could make something that could ban his ip Hostname and country,
But i warn you If you ban his country, Others that live in his country could not join the server due to you banning his country.
Fix the rangeban and add something that will make him never come back for example.
Lets say you have this
/rangeban country [Name]

Use it on him just type /rangeban his name and his country will be ban, he will no longer come back ever again.
I have a script for a rangeban that ban's your whole country.

Ur makin sm mistake in applyin rban on him..try again with the correct format or get urself host banner fs frm filterscripts forum !

Yes You can ban his MAC Address, if you can get it.

Keep fighting him iff there's no else option, it happend to me ones i just kept banning him every time in the finale end he quitted what a stupid n0b.

EDIT: Sorry Mr complete security high tec 101

You people are just inexperienced.
If you can get his MAC Address, just ban it (ask your host).

Well that sucks,,

Originally Posted by 101
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You people are just inexperienced.
If you can get his MAC Address, just ban it (ask your host).
I too supports this, range banning can also cause everyone in that range to get banned.

and did you try making an anti-cheat system? then you don't have to ban him yourself XD

Originally Posted by 101
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Yes You can ban his MAC Address, if you can get it.
MAC bans aren't implemented in SA-MP.

Block his hostname/IP range in your firewall, the server will look offline to him.

I'm pretty sure you can't block MAC addresses at a firewall level anyway...

Well, iptables does it. And has done it for a long time.

Fair enough, but I've only ever needed to block IPs through iptables and I hadn't seen a mac address switch/param in the command for it.

I ever had this. This is what I've done: Keep banning all the time, it'll ever get bored.

hmmm iv got the same problem.
-When he connects, make a like send a message to online admins with his ip
-At the same time sending his ip, get the geo-ip plugin to get his country so send a message with his ip and country, if they are the same like u said 14.14... and the country is the one that you know then /ban ROCKS!

Just a quick thought how about trying this http://forum.sa-mp.com/forumdisplay.php?f=17
I havent tried it,but looks good.

Originally Posted by Calg00ne
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Fair enough, but I've only ever needed to block IPs through iptables and I hadn't seen a mac address switch/param in the command for it.
iptables -A INPUT -m mac --mac-source XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -j DROP

It's under the good ol' manpages

Originally Posted by Kwarde
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I ever had this. This is what I've done: Keep banning all the time, it'll ever get bored.
Yeah, I know, you did this to me haha xD... I kept changing IP and range... lololol

Ontopic: As far as I know there is no MAC ban support in SA-MP...
Or else use hacks AGAINST him, he will be mad lol and ragequit...

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