
Hi there!
I've had a nice idea. I don't know if it's possible, but a function to get a players mac address.
This is in due of cheaters who change their IP, not in range. I've had this two times. First he had for example this IP (I won't give IP's from known people. If you see your IP, I just made a random one):

then after ban

So a "GetMacAddr" function would be VERY usefull, so you can ban someone not on IP but the mac address (with a custom ban system off course).
If this is possible; I am not good in the SDK stuff (I've taken a look at it and I'd immediately closed Visual C++ studio). So if it's possible, and you can do it; It would be good if you make it

- Kevin

I did search, I didn't get any positive results.

To get someones Mac Address you need a client side plugin
These was discussed many times and every time ended with: No we will not allow Mac Address baning cos it can be abusive! (In short)

By Y_Less in one of many same point topic

You are ALL missing the most obvious flaw in this plan. While it may be easy to change your IP, you need a valid IP to connect to a server, even if that IP is a proxy, because of the way data is transmitted over the internet. What you do not need is any other ID such as a hard disk ID or client UID, so these are simply extra data sent by SA:MP. A server would get this data, check it against the ban list and if that number was found block the player from connecting - this has all been covered, what hasn't been covered is the fact that the ID need not bear ANY resembalance to the REAL ID.

All a cheat program would need to do would be modify SA:MP in such a way as to transmit a random ID (for example a random hard disk serial number). There is no way to stop a determined hacker from finding that part of the code and modifying it. Yes it may be hard to modify your real serial, but if you're not sending your real serial that difficulty is irrelevant. All these techniques have been discussed to death before, the team know what they are doing. There is no simple fix they've just never thought of - all this topic does is insults their intelligence.

Steam has unique accounts you need to sign up for. This could be a way around the problem by identifying a unique ID with a password and requiring them both. That would stop hackers being able to generate random IDs as they would have no way of knowing the associated password but you would have to be careful of how people signed up to make it not too fast but not too annoying.

[TGR]beastboy[ES]: They tried that for a while, the hacks simply get updated too often.


Why can you find, and why can't I? :')
However it's clear, thank you both for your responses.

Use less ambiguous search terms next time you search.

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