[HELPME] Something mistake.. but what?

What is wrong with it? My eyes went out but I can't find the problem. The compiler goes crazy if I put this in:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	cmd("motoz", 5)
new msg[92], weap[64];
new kit = GetNearestPlayer(playerid);
if (!IsPlayerConnected(kit)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xffff10ff, "Go near the player!");
new ammo[13][2];
for (new i = 0; i < 13; i++)
    GetPlayerWeaponData(kit, i, ammo[i][0], ammo[i][1]);
    GetWeaponName(ammo[i][0], weap, sizeof(weap));
    format(msg, sizeof(msg), "finds a(n) %s", weap);
    if (ammo[i][1] > 0)
		Act(playerid, msg);
The cmd define is:
#define cmd("%1",%2) if (strcmp(cmdtext[1], #%1, true, (%2)) == 0 && (cmdtext[(%2) + 1] == 0 || cmdtext[(%2) + 1] == 32)) \
	{ \
	new params[128]; \
	if ((cmdtext[(%2) + 1]) == 0) strcat(params, ""); \
	if ((cmdtext[(%2) + 1]) == 32) strcat(params, cmdtext[(%2) + 2]);

#define end return 1; \
altough this is not the problem, because I've got a bunch of cmd blocks in the GM, and they're working.
GetNearestPlayer (if it helps):
GetNearestPlayer(playerid, Float:range = 2.5)
	if (!IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return -1;
	new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
	for (new i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
	    if (i == playerid) continue;
	    if (!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
	    GetPlayerPos(i, x, y, z);
	    if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, range, x, y, z)) return i;
	return -1;
MAXPLAYERS variable is set on OnGameModeInit, this is not the problem:
MAXPLAYERS = GetServerVarAsInt("maxplayers");
Please help me :S

Im not sure but it might be this end. Try removing it?

this is not the problem. as I said, I have a bunch of command like this, put in one OnPlayerCommandText. Those are working, if i put this one in, the compiler says for all the following commands
error 021: symbol already defined: "params"

I have an other command now which works exactly the same (bi-dimensional array created inside the expression).
I thought it is the "for" or it is the "switch" but neither is bad.
When I used a superglobal bi-dimensional array, it doesn't throw this error.
Please help me!

Maybe you have the same thing?


Oh geeze this is messy. If im not wrong he screwed everything up.
you forgot a } at the end
and this code will execute whenever any player types any command
you also forgot return 0;
really messy ^^

This is not the full code. I have the """missing""" '}' bracket at the end, as following:
return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xff0000aa, "* Hiba: a parancs nem lйtezik!");
Also, I have a lot of commands after that written by the same syntax like this.

and this code will execute whenever any player types any command

check-it again, this method is tested and works.

I just fixed the problems by declaring the two 2-dimensional arrays before any strcmp() , now it works...
it's likely a pawno bug.


Maybe you have the same thing?

yes, i think it's a pawno bug, because it says "symbol already defined" for all variables that I use inside it and somewhere else in a command.

Miйrt nem hasznбlsz ZCMD-t? Egyszerűbb, gyorsabb, jobban kezelhetőbb. Jameghбt sscanf-ot.

Hogyha azzal kell, йn meg tudom нrni a kуdot

sscanf-et hasznбlok. amъgy zcmd-t azйrt nem, mert abban nem kezelhetek йkezetes parancsokat (funkciуnйv, lбsd CMD:бrvнztűrőtьkцrfъrуgйp( bla bla bla) == FATAL ERROR. )

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