Best systems ! (admin,ownership and else...

Hello what is best
  • Admin system
  • Vehicle ownership system
  • House system
  • Business system
  • Some homepage stuff
  • and maybe else
To fun server . I am looked aready LUX Admin and gAdmin and some other stuff but i need your option to make good fun/stunt server !

NB: Sorry but i thing wrong place to post and thanks for helping !
NB: Don't tell own made is best . I am noob scripter

Just learn to script ... pawn is really easy.

Originally Posted by Elka_Blazer
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Just learn to script ... pawn is really easy. it's not.

I agree with Elka, pawn is very easy.
@poster: You should search maybe? And try all the systems you find!

People have a different taste for everything, so something someone likes might not be the one you were looking for.

Originally Posted by [L3th4l]
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I agree with Elka, pawn is very easy.
@poster: You should search maybe? And try all the systems you find!

People have a different taste for everything, so something someone likes might not be the one you were looking for.

Dont let me give you a LetMe******ThatForYou link ...
Just ****** this ...

i sayd i can't script and i don't have time

well there's your answer.

i need you help

Man get outa here. SEARCH. If you don't have time, then what are you doing here?

i just ask option but as i can see no one can tell me what is best and i am not so good scripter and i dont have time to learn scripting!

EDIT: I am schearig but i just want to ask what you think

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