23.04.2011, 23:33
Hey guys!
I need formula for speed in km/h. I need that for my speed-o-meter.
I need formula for speed in km/h. I need that for my speed-o-meter.
stock GetVehicleSpeed( vehicleid )
Float: Poz[ 3 ]
GetVehicleVelocity( vehicleid, Poz[ 0 ], Poz[ 1 ], Poz[ 2 ] );
return floatround( floatsqroot( Poz[ 0 ] * Poz[ 0 ] + Poz[ 1 ] * Poz[ 1 ] + Poz[ 2 ] * Poz[ 2 ] ) * 160 );
CyberGhost stop that fuckin cry, thanks.
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