NPC is getting kicked by Server

Okay, I have installed 28 NPCs and only 21 connect. All other are getting kicked by my Server, do anybody know why is this, and how can I fix this?

tell us;
what do you have in server.cfg
show us some code like whats under onplayerspawn

right now i can only guess;

the ammount of npc in server.cfg is below 28

Nah, nah I don't need to give you NPC codes because every NPC has been made same way(21 is working other 7 isn't), I have checked everything, this is not my wrong. I have found post by Kalcor that SA-MP kick more than 20 NPCs because of flood, so idk how to increase that or make some pwn code, does anyone know how to repair this?

Check if they all have the right #define RECORDING_TYPE

Make sure your max_npcs ammount is above the required.

i'll presume you have a login system .... you'll need to add a piece of code like "if isplayernpc" . i forgot how that was but you can search for it

I've found fix for this:
They'all connect now and work fine as I made them :P
Thank you anyway

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