Phone System


I want to know how can I make a system where it creates a random 4 or 5 digit phone number for each person who joins? Thanks

Well you can use this from one of the many rp gm's:
new randphone = 100000 + random(899999);
It will give you 6 random numbers..

Bump okay and when the person does /call [Number] How can I check if the players online have this number or not and then call them?

Well you have to create a system would store randphone into a players file..yea the best thing for you, i guess, is to look over a rp gm to understand how its put together.

Yeah I understand the number making part but okay say I have 3 players on... and someone dials one of their numbers, how do I make the system look for that number and see if its online? I can then do the whole calling part.

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