13.03.2011, 16:30
- Foreword
This is RC-Zero's Shop, there are 4 commands
(SRY I PRESSED THE "SEND" BUTTON, I'LL MAKE THIS POST ENGLISH XD) - Where is the Shop and how does it work?
The Shop is in San Fierro, and the Shop is named "RC-Zero", and you can buy a RC-Vehicle.
You go to the Shop, type /buyrc and choose the Model of your RC-Vehicle and buy it.
The Model "RC-Baron" has an integrated Gun, and i recommend you to make it expensive, or deactivate it (there is a definition to deactivate it)
If you want to buy a new RC-Model but have already one, then you must type /sellrc and sell it, you will become the %33 of your Money back.
You can use it with /userc, and exit it with /exitrc
The RC-Vehicle files will be saved in the "scriptfiles"-Folder with the Name "PLAYERNAME.rc". - Screens
Here are the Screens :P :
Screen #1
Screen #2
Screen #3
Screen #4 - Download
Show RC-Shop.pwn - pastebin.com
Download RC-Shop_by_Foxhound_aka_PSPgamer_10.rar - SendSpace
Download RC-Shop_by_Foxhound_aka_PSPgamer_10.rar - SolidFiles - Closeword
Have Fun!