Anti De-Amx

Hi all. I am looking for a simple and easy anti de-amx that works at least 65 percent of the time. Also, i would seriously appreciate it if it included an explaination. THANK YOU IN ANVANCE!

ps. sorry for my bad spelling and english.

Did you mean something to prevent people de-AMX'ing your AMX files and change it back to PWN? Haven't heard anything like that before, have you try to search in ******? .

I've tried to de-amx my gm with De-amx but it didn't work. I think you can only de-amx filterscripts or small amx's

Don't mind, Anti De-AMX will work, but even without it your script will be a total mess! New variables names, and all impossible to read! Plus, cutten codes.

Don't even worry about it.

Yeah, admantis is right. When you use De-Amx everything will have variable names such as gVar1, gVar2 lVar1 for the whole gamemode, so unless you have a piece of code you want nobody to have an idea how it is done, there is really no need for it.

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